07969 409803 emma@emmahignett.com
Exploring AI Tools – A Journey through July!

Exploring AI Tools – A Journey through July!

Welcome to July! This month, I’m embarking on an exciting journey to explore a variety of AI tools. As technology continues to evolve, I believe it’s crucial to stay updated and experiment with the latest advancements. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be diving into...

Ooo I struggled with this one

    I run three businesses: the voiceover business is just one of them.  I also run a small PR consultancy, which involves not just traditional PR but also photography, videography, web content, event planning … loads of fun and varied stuff.   I also...
Normality? Sort of …

Normality? Sort of …

I run three businesses: the voiceover business is just one of them.  I also run a small PR consultancy, which involves not just traditional PR but also photography, videography, web content, event planning … loads of fun and varied stuff.   I also have a holiday...